Explosion-proof equipment plant
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Support brackets for thermal insulation ОКТ1 (FRAME-CORD)

PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF APPLICATION Специальные эластичные силиконовые уплотнители для ввода греющих кабелей

OKT1 support brackets are used to insert a heating cable under the layer of thermal insulation. They make it possible to insert a heating cable under the layer of thermal insulation, simplifying the mounting and preventing damage of heating cable. Support brackets are designed in such a way that they are easily fastened to circular cross-section conduits.

Support brackets are fastened to the conduit by metal fastening clamps, which ensure earth circuit continuity between the conduit and the bracket.

Support brackets are used as a part of finished explosion-proof boxes for connection of power supply to the heating accessories under the thermal insulation.

Mechanical strength and resistance to impact load of support brackets OKT1 significantly surpass analogues that are made from polyester, many of which get broken at  -20°С even in case of light loads.

Increased thickness of enclosure walls of GORELTEX support brackets helps to significantly increase their strength compared with cable glands of other manufacturers.

Scope of application – outdoor and indoor hazardous areas as per explosion protection marking, GOST 30852.13-2002 (IEC 60079-14:1996), areas with presence of combustible dust, as per GOST IEC 61241-3-2011, dangerous production facilities of I, II, III, IV hazard class supervised by Rostechnadzor of the RF and national technical supervision bodies of the Customs Union and CIS countries.

Механическая прочность и устойчивость к ударным нагрузкам опорных кронштейнов ОКТ1 значительно превосходит аналоги, выполненные из полиэстера.