Explosion-proof equipment plant
+7(812) 448-90-90

Explosion-proof local control stations as per customer's specification


"ZAVOD GORELTEX" Co. Ltd. makes use of its extensive experience in the technology of manufacturing of local control stations, indicating and signaling devices as per customer‘s diagram and has been the reliable supplier of explosion-proof systems around the world for decades. The leading Russian companies trust us: Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, Rosneft, LUKOIL, leading international companies Total, BP, Shell, Eni and many other. The manufactured equipment fully meets the requirements of Gazprom and Rosneft. The experience of operation in Russia and former USSR republics from the mid-1970s. The equipment of "ZAVOD GORELTEX" Co. Ltd. is operated from Sakhalin to Kaliningrad and from Murmansk to the Black Sea, in Arctic conditions and in deserts of Turkmenistan.

Система автоматизированного проектирования «ГорэлтЕх» (САПР «ГорэлтЕх») для создания чертежей взрывозащищенных клеммных коробок, постов управления и индикации

GoreltEx computer-aided design system is developed for automatic creation of drawings of explosion-proof local control stations and terminal boxes. The program does not require special skills in designing of explosion-proof equipment or deep knowledge of current standards. The system contains special algorithms, which prevent occurrence of mistakes in the process of drawing creation....>>

Взрывозащищенные приборы индикации Взрывозащищенные посты управления и индикации Взрывозащищенные пожарные посты Взрывозащищенные кнопочные посты и пакетные выключатели

This section contains the description of explosion-proof local control stations, indicating and signaling devices, rotary switches manufactured in accordance with the customer‘s requirements. These local control stations are intended for sending indication and alarm signals at site and remotely (for example, at the field command station). This equipment is manufactured in Ex d and Ex d e versions.

Взрывозащищенные посты по схеме заказчика

Новая усиленная конструкция, без изменения весо-габаритных параметров оболочек, позволила расширить область применения оборудования для подгруппы IIC.

Explosion-proof local control stations, indicating and signaling devices of "ZAVOD GORELTEX" Co. Ltd. are used in chemical, pharmaceutical and other branches of industry, where explosion-proof equipment is required.

Each product undergoes careful inspection in strict accordance with quality plan GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015). The conformity to codes and customer‘s specifications is regulated as per special procedure. Control measures are carried out consecutively during the whole production cycle of the product. Local control stations are manufactured according to the state-of-the-art European and Russian technologies. They can compete with old-fashioned samples manufactured in Russia in terms of cost.

Local control stations, indicating and signaling devices with "flameproof joint" type of explosion protection are made from modified corrosion-resistant aluminum-silicon alloy resistant to salt spray and other chemical substances, including hydrogen sulfide and hydrochloric acid fumes, salty and acidic mine waters, frictionally intrinsically safe. Ex d enclosures flameproof joint service life is more than 25 years.

Local control stations, indicating and signaling devices with Ex d type of explosion protection are made from  polyester, armored with long fibers of glassfiber with additives of graphite or from stainless chrome-nickel steel or stainless steel grade 08Х18Н10 as per GOST 5632-2014 (AISI 304), resistant to alkali, drops of hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid, high temperature and corrosion.

Взрывозащищенные посты по схеме заказчикаAccording to the certificate, these products are completed with control and indicating elements required for installation as per the individual order. There is also an option of arrangement of any control and measuring digital or analogue apparatuses (voltmeters, ammeters, etc.), sound sirens, audible alarms; the compatibility criterion is dimensions of the device itself.

One of the distinct features of explosion-proof products of "ZAVOD GORELTEX" Co. Ltd. is the ergonomic design of control, indicating and signaling elements. M series indicating elements have large diameter (40 mm) and are equipped with reflector, which makes the signal clearly visible at large viewing angle and  various degrees of surface dirtiness. A wide range of control, indicating and signaling elements of standard version are offered, a version upon customer’s request can also be produced.

Органы управления машиной и (или) оборудованием должны быть выполнены так, чтобы их форма, размеры и поверхности контакта с пользователем соответствовали способу захвата (пальцами, кистью) или нажатия (пальцем руки, ладонью, стопой) Органы управления машиной и (или) оборудованием должны быть выполнены так, чтобы их форма, размеры и поверхности контакта с пользователем соответствовали способу захвата (пальцами, кистью) или нажатия (пальцем руки, ладонью, стопой) IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW

Technical Regulation TR CU 010/2011 "On the safety of machinery and equipment"

Annex 1. General regulations of safety machines and equipment. Clause 15 :

«…Controls devices of a machine and (or) equipment must be constructed so that their form, sizes and contact surfaces of the user correspond to a capture way (fingers, hand) or pressing (hand finger, palm, foot)…»

For the equipment intended for operation at ambient temperatures below zero or in aggressive environment, control elements of the equipment must have the increased size, since the user operates the equipment in protective gloves. It is prohibited to use the control elements that do not meet this requirement.

The combination of buttons, locks and signal lamps, buttons with LED illumination, double-headed buttons, rheostats, pointer indicators, sound sirens, sockets, auxiliary terminals and power sources helps to develop various local control stations and signaling devices based on the customer‘s needs. One of the advantages of local control stations is bright colors of buttons and lamps of the control and indicating modules.

Completing of local control stations with explosion-proof cable glands is carried out based on the customer‘s requirements.

Scope of application – underground mines and pits hazardous with gas (methane), coal dust; outdoor and indoor hazardous areas as per explosion protection marking, GOST 30852.13-2002 (IEC 60079-14:1996), areas with presence of combustible dust, as per GOST IEC 61241-3-2011, dangerous production facilities of I, II, III, IV hazard class supervised by Rostechnadzor of the RF and national technical supervision bodies of the Customs Union and CIS countries.

X sign placed after Ex marking indicates that it is prohibited to use the device in hazardous mixtures of acetylene with air.